
Because there exists distinct requirements for flexibility of generating dissectors, CSjark supports configuration for various parts of the program. First, general parameters for utility running can be set up. This can be for example settings of variable sizes for different platforms or other parameters that could determine generating dissectors regardless actual C header file. Second, each individual C struct can be treated in different way. For example, value of specific struct member can be checked for being within specified limits.

Configuration file format and structure


Besides the configuration described below, one part of the configuration is held directly in the code. It represents the platform specific setup (file - see Platform specific configuration.


The configuration files are written in YAML which is a data serialization format designed to be easy to read and write. The configuration must be put in a .yml file and specified when running CSjark as a command line argument (more about CLI in section Using CSjark).

Basic YAML syntax is shown on following example:

# comments can start anywhere with number sign (#) and continues until the end of the line

key1: value1                   # associative array of two key-value pairs
key2: value2                   # pairs are separated by colon (:) and space ( ) on a separate line

{key3: value3, key4: value4}   # inline format of specifying associative arrays
                               # pairs are separated by comma (,) and enclosed into curly braces ({})

- item1                        # list of two items
- item2                        # each item starts with hyphen (-) and space ( ) on a separate line

[item3, item4]                 # inline format of the list
                               # items are separated by comma (,) and enclosed into square brackets ([])

Data structure hierarchy in YAML is maintained by outline indentation (whitespace is used, tab not allowed). All the basic elements can be combined to create a hierarchy:

    use_cpp:                True
    generate_placeholders:  True

  - name:   struct1
    id:     [10, 12, 14]
  - name:   struct2
    id:     [11, 13, 15]

Strings are ordinarily unquoted, but may be enclosed in double-quotes (”), or single-quotes (‘). The specific number of spaces in the indentation is unimportant as long as parallel elements have the same left justification and the hierarchically nested elements are indented further. This sample defines an associative array with 2 top level keys: one of the keys, “Structs”, contains a 2 element array (or “list”), each element of which is itself an associative array with differing keys.

Detailed specification of YAML syntax can be found at YAML website.


CSjark configuration files might consist of two main parts:

  • The first part is used for specifying all the configuration corresponding CSjark processing in general. More about CSjark options in Options Configuration.
  • The second part contains configuration for individual C struct definitions. That is described in section Struct Configuration.

The configuration file may have following structure:

  # there will be all your CSjark processing configuration
  use_cpp: True

  # there will be a sequence of Struct definition configurations
  - name: struct1
    id: [10, 12, 14]
    # another struct1 config
  - name: struct2
    id: [11, 13, 15]
    # another struct2 config

Automatic generation of configuration files

Automatic generation of configuration file is a simple feature, that could save the user of the utility some time, since the essential part of the configuration file is generated automatically. The utility will only create a new file containing the name of the struct and line to specify the ID for the dissector. To generate the configuration file, the utility must be run with -p or --placeholders as an option (see Using CSjark for more about CSjark CLI).

Struct Configuration

Each individual C struct processed by CSjark can be treated in different way. All the configuration settings must be done in the Structs section of the configuration file. Every Struct definition is one item of the sequence and may contain these attributes:

Attribute name Description
name C struct name (required field)
id Dissector message id - more in Dissector message ID
description Struct name displayed in Wireshark
size Size of the struct in memory - more in Unknown structs handling
cnf Conformance file name - more in External Lua dissectors
ranges Value ranges limitations - more in Value ranges
enums Enumeration definitions - more in Enums
bitstrings Bitstrings definitions - more in Bitstrings
trailers Trailers definitions - more in Trailers
customs Definitions for custom struct member handling - more in Custom handling of data types

General notes

  • Definition of Structs part of configuration is not mandatory. However, the user must be aware that if a struct configuration is not defined (namely the id attribute), it can be dissected only as a part of other struct (as its struct member). Otherwise there will be no dissectors registered for the struct.

  • If there exists a configuration for a struct member and also configuration for the type of this member, the behaviour is not defined. It is up to the user to ensure the definitions are exclusive for each struct member. For example, in the Value ranges section example, if the percent is defined as float, the configuration would be ambiguous and there would be no guarantee that percent value is between 0 to 100 or -10 to 10.

  • If a struct contains another struct as its member, none of the configuration valid for the outer struct is applied on the nested struct. The same goes for unions. In order to configure the nested struct, the user must define separate struct configuration for it. In this example, the configuration valid for the members of person struct is not valid for members of address struct

    struct address {
        int housenum;
        string street;
    struct person {
        string name;
        address adr;
        int age;

Value ranges

Some variables may have a domain that is smaller than its given type. You could for example use an integer to describe percentage, which is a number between 0 and 100. It is possible to specify this to CSjark, so that the resulting dissector will tell Wireshark if the values are in the specified range or not. Value ranges are defined by the following syntax:

  - name: "Name of the struct"
    id: 989
        - member | type: "Name of struct member / type"
          min: "Lowest allowed value"
          max: "Highest allowed value"

When the definition specified as a type, the value range is applied to all the members of that type within the struct.

The value ranges configuration is valid only for data types that are meaningful for this purpose (e.g. integers, float, enums). Definitions for other data types are not taken into account.


  - name: example_struct
    id: 90
        - member: percent
          min: 0
          max: 100
        - type: float
          min: -10.0
          max: 10.0

Value explanations

Some variables may actually represent other values than its type. For example, for an enum it could be preferable to get the textual name of the value displayed, instead of the integer value that represent it. Such example can be an enum type or a bitstring.


Values of integer variables can be assigned to string values similarly to enumerated values in most programming languages. Thus, instead of integer value, a corresponding value defined in configuration file as a enumeration can be displayed.

The enumeration definition can be of two types. The first one, mapping specified integer by its struct member name, so it gains string value dependent on the actual integer value. And the second, where assigned string values correspond to every struct member of the type defined in the configuration.

The enum definition, as an attribute of the Structs item of the configuration file, always starts by enums keyword. It is followed by list of members/types for which we want to define enumerated integer values for. Each list item consists of 2 mandatory and 1 optional values

- member | type: member name | type name
  values: [value1, value2, ...] | { key1: value1, key2: value2, ...}
  strict: True | False


  • member name/type name contains string value of integer variable name for which we want to define enumerated values
  • [value1, value2, ...] is comma-separated list of enumerated values (implicitly numbered, starting from 0)
  • { key1: value1, key2: value2, ...} is comma-separated list of key-value pairs, where key is integer value and value is it’s assigned string value
  • strict is boolean value, which disables warning, if integer does not contain a value specified in the enum list (default True)

Example of enums in struct definition contains: - member named weekday and values defined as a list of key-value pairs. - definition of enumerated values for int type. Values are given by simple list, therefore numbering is implicit (starting from 0, i.e. Blue = 2). Warning in case of invalid integer value will be displayed.

  - name: enum_example1
    id: 10
    description: Enum config example
      - member: weekday
        values: {1: MONDAY, 2: TUESDAY, 3: WEDNESDAY, 4: THURSDAY, 5: FRIDAY, 6: SATURDAY, 7: SUNDAY}
      - type: int
        values: [Black, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White]
        strict: True # Disable warning if not a valid value


It is possible to configure bitstrings in the utility. This makes it possible to view common data types like integer, short, float, etc. used as a bitstring in the wireshark dissector.

There is two ways to configure bitstrings, the first one is to specify a struct member and define the bit representation. The second option is to specify bits for all struct members of a given type.

These rules specifies the config:

  • The bits are specified as 0...n, where 0 is the most significant bit
  • A bit group can be one or more bits.
  • Bit groups have a name
  • It is possible to name all possible values in a bit group.

Below, there is an example of a configuration for the member named flags and all the members of short type belonging to the struct example.

  • member flags: This example has four bits specified, the first bit group is named “In use” and represent bit 0. The second group represent bit 1 and is named “Endian”, and the values are named: 0 = “Big”, 1 = “Little”. The last group is “Platform” and represent bit 2-3 and have 4 named values.
  • type short: Each of the 3 bits represents one colour channel and it can be either “True” or “False”.
  - name: example
    id: 1000
    description: An example
      - member: flags
        0: In use
        1: [Endian, Big, Little]
        2-3: [Platform, Win, Linux, Mac, Solaris]
      - type: short
        0: Red
        1: Green
        2: Blue

Dissector message ID

Every packet with C struct captured by Wireshark contains a header. One of the fields in the header, the id field, specifies which dissector should be loaded to dissect the actual struct. The value of this field can be specified in the configuration file.

This is an example of the specification

    - name: structname
      id: 10

More different messages can be dissected by one specific dissector. Therefore, the struct configuration can contain a whole list of dissector message ID’s, that can process the struct.

    - name: structname
      id: [12, 43, 3498]


The id must be an integer between 0 and 65535.

External Lua dissectors

In some cases, CSjark will not be able to deliver the desired result from its own analysis, and the configuration options above may be too constraining. In this case, it is possible to write the lua dissector by hand, either for a given member or for an entire struct.


To be able to understand and write external Lua dissectors, the user should be familiar with basics of Lua programming and Lua integration into Wireshark. More information how to write Lua code can be found in Lua reference manual. For further information on the Lua integration in Wireshark, please visit Lua Support in Wireshark.

A custom Lua code for desired struct must be defined in an external conformance file with extension .cnf. The conformance file name and relative path then must be defined in the configuration file for the struct for which is the custom code applied for. The attribute name for the custom Lua definition file and path is cnf, as shown below:

# CSjark configuration file

    - name: custom_lua
      cnf: etc/custom_lua.cnf
      id: 1
      description: example of external custom Lua file definition

Writing the conformance file implies respecting following rules:

  • Each section starts with #.<SECTION> for example #.COMMENT.
  • Unknown sections are ignored.

The conformance file implementation allows user to place the custom Lua code on various places within the Lua dissector code already generated by CSjark. There is a list of possible places:

DEF_HEADER id Lua code added before a Field definition.
DEF_BODY id Lua code to replace a Field definition. Within the definition, the original body can be referenced as %(DEFAULT_BODY)s or {DEFAULT_BODY}
DEF_FOOTER id Lua code added after a Field definition
DEF_EXTRA Lua code added after the last definition
FUNC_HEADER id Lua code added before a Field function code
FUNC_BODY id Lua code to replace a Field function code
FUNC_FOOTER id Lua code added after a Field function code
FUNC_EXTRA Lua code added at end of dissector function
COMMENT A multiline comment section
END End of a section
END_OF_CNF End of the conformance file

Where id denotes C struct member name . The END token is only optional, it does not have to be placed at the end of each section. However, all code after END token which is not part of another section defined above is discarded.

Example of such conformance file follows:

    This is a .cnf file comment section

#.DEF_HEADER super
-- This code will be added above the 'super' field definition

    DEF_BODY replaces code inside the dissector function.
    Use %(DEFAULT_BODY)s or {DEFAULT_BODY} to use generated code.
#.DEF_BODY hyper
-- This is above 'hyper' definition
-- This is below 'hyper'

-- This is below 'name' definition

-- This text would be discarded.

-- This was all the Field definitions

#.FUNC_HEADER precise
    -- This is above 'precise' inside the dissector function.

    FUNC_BODY replaces code inside the dissector function.
    Use %(DEFAULT_BODY)s or {DEFAULT_BODY} to use generated code.
#.FUNC_BODY name
    --[[ This comments out the 'name' code

    -- This is below 'super' inside dissector function

    -- This is the last line of the dissector function

This conformance file when run with this C header code:

struct custom_lua {
    short normal;
    int super;
    long long hyper;

    char name;
    double precise;


...will produce this Lua dissector:

-- Dissector for win32.custom_lua: custom_lua (Win32)
local proto_custom_lua = Proto("win32.custom_lua", "custom_lua (Win32)")

-- ProtoField definitions for: custom_lua
local f = proto_custom_lua.fields
f.normal = ProtoField.int16("custom_lua.normal", "normal")
-- This code will be added above the 'super' field definition
f.super = ProtoField.int32("custom_lua.super", "super")
-- This is above 'hyper' definition
f.hyper = ProtoField.int64("custom_lua.hyper", "hyper")
-- This is below 'hyper' = ProtoField.string("", "name")
-- This is below 'name' definition
f.precise = ProtoField.double("custom_lua.precise", "precise")
-- This was all the field definitions

-- Dissector function for: custom_lua
function proto_custom_lua.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)
    local subtree = tree:add_le(proto_custom_lua, buffer())
    if pinfo.private.caller_def_name then
        subtree:set_text(pinfo.private.caller_def_name .. ": " .. proto_custom_lua.description)
        pinfo.private.caller_def_name = nil
    else" (" .. proto_custom_lua.description .. ")")

    subtree:add_le(f.normal, buffer(0, 2))
    subtree:add_le(f.super, buffer(4, 4))
    -- This is below 'super' inside dissector function
    subtree:add_le(f.hyper, buffer(8, 8))
    --[[ This comments out the 'name' code
        subtree:add_le(, buffer(16, 1))
    -- This is above 'precise' inside the dissector function.
    subtree:add_le(f.precise, buffer(24, 8))
    -- This is the last line of the dissector function

delegator_register_proto(proto_custom_lua, "Win32", "custom_lua", 1)

Support for Offset and Value in Lua Files

Via External Lua dissectors CSjark also provides a way to reference the proto fields of the dissector, with correct offset value and correct Lua variable.

To access the fields value and offset, {OFFSET} and {VALUE} strings may be put into the conformance file as shown below:

#.FUNC_FOOTER pointer
    -- Offset: {OFFSET}
    -- Field value stored in lua variable: {VALUE}

Adding the offset and variable value is only possible in the parts that change the code of Lua functions, i.e. FUNC_HEADER, FUNC_BODY and FUNC_FOOTER.

Above listed example leads to following Lua code:

local field_value_var = subtree:add(f.pointer, buffer(56,4))
    -- Offset: 56
    -- Field value stored in lua variable: field_value_var


The value of the referenced variable can be used after it is defined.


CSjark only creates dissectors from C structs defined as its input. To be able to use built-in dissectors in Wireshark, it is necessary to configure it. Wireshark has more than 1000 built-in dissectors. Several trailers can be configured for a packet.

The following parameters are allowed in trailers:

name Protocol name for the built-in dissector
count The number of trailers
member Struct member, that contain the amount of trailers
size Size of the buffer to feed to the protocol

There are two ways to configure the trailers - specify the total number of trailers or give a variable in the struct, which contains the amount of trailers. Both ways to configure trailers are shown below. In case the variable trailer_count equals 2, the definitions has the same effect.

  - name: proto1
    member: trailer_count
    size: 32

  - name: proto1
    count: 2
    size: 32

Example: The example below shows an example with BER [1], which has 4 trailers with a size of 6 bytes.

[1]Basic Encoding Rules
  - name: ber
  - count: 4
  - size: 6

Custom handling of data types

The utility supports custom handling of specified data types. Some variables in input C header may actually represent other values than its own type. This CSjark feature allows user to map types defined in C header to Wireshark field types. Also, it provides a method to change how the input field is displayed in Wireshark. The custom handling must be done through a configuration file.

For example, this functionality can cause Wireshark to display time_t data type as absolute_time. The displayed type is given by generated Lua dissector and functions of ProtoField class.

List of available output types follows:

Integer types
uint8, uint16, uint24, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int24, int32, int64, framenum
Other types
float, double, string, stringz, bytes, bool, ipv4, ipv6, ether, oid, guid, absolute_time, relative_time

For Integer types, there are some specific attributes that can be defined (see below). More about each individual type can be found in Wireshark reference.

The section name in configuration file for custom data type handling is called customs. This section can contain following attributes:

  • Required attributes

    Attribute name Value
    member | type Name of member or type for which is the configuration applied
    field Displayed type (see above)
  • Optional attributes - all types

    Attribute name Value
    abbr Filter name of the field (the string that is used in filters)
    name Actual name of the field
    desc The description of the field (displayed on Wireshark statusbar)
  • Optional attributes - Integer types only:

    Attribute name Value
    base Displayed representation - can be one of base.DEC, base.HEX or base.OCT
    values List of key:value pairs representing the Integer value - e.g. {0: Monday, 1: Tuesday}
    mask Integer mask of this field

Example of such a configuration file follows:

  - name: custom_type_handling
    id: 1
      - type: time_t
        field: absolute_time
      - member: day
        field: uint32
        name: Weekday name
        base: base.DEC
        values: { 0: Monday, 1: Tuesday, 2: Wednesday, 3: Thursday, 4: Friday}
        mask: nil
        desc: This day you will work a lot!!

and applies for example for this C header file:

#include <time.h>

struct custom_type_handling {
    time_t abs;
    int day;

Both struct members are redefined. First will be displayed as absolute_type according to its type (time_t), second one is changed because of the struct member name (day).

Unknown structs handling

The header files that the utility parses, may have nested struct that is not defined in any other header file. To make it possible to generate a dissector for this case, the user must be able to specify the size of the struct in a configuration file. When the sizes are specified it will be possible to generate a struct that can display the defined members of the struct correctly in the utility, for the parts that are not defined only the hex value will be displayed. This feature is added as a possible way to solve include dependencies that our utility is not able to solve. The user of the utility will get an error message when the utility is not able to find include dependencies, and the user may add the size of struct to be able to generate a dissector for the struct.

The size of unknown struct may be defined directly in the struct configuration as size attribute, similar to the example below:

    - name: unknown struct
      id: 111
      size: 78


Size must be defined as a positive integer (or 0).

Options Configuration

CSjark processing behaviour can be set up in various ways. Besides letting the user to specify how the CSjark should work by the command line arguments (see section Using CSjark), it is also possible to define the options as a part of the configuration file(s).

Configuration file field CLI equivalent Value Description
verbose -v True/False Print detailed information
debug -d True/False Print debugging information
strict -s True/False Only generate dissectors for known structs
output_dir -o None or path Definition of output destination
output_file -o None or file name Writes the output to the specified file
generate_placeholders -p True/False Generate placeholder config file for unknown structs
use_cpp -n True/False Enables/disables the C pre-processor
cpp_path -C None or file name Specifies which preprocessor to use
excludes -x List of excluded paths File or folders to exclude from parsing
platforms   List of platform names Set of platforms to support in dissectors
include_dirs -I List of directories Directories to be searched for Cpp includes
includes -i List of includes Process file as Cpp #include “file” directive
defines -D List of defines Predefine name as a Cpp macro
undefines -U List of undefines Cancel any previous Cpp definition of name
arguments -A List of additional arguments Any additional C preprocessor arguments

The last 5 options can be also specified separately for each individual input C header file. This can be achieved by adding sequence files with mandatory attribute name.

Below you can see an example of such Options section:

    verbose: True
    debug: False
    strict: False
    output_dir: ../out
    output_file: output.log
    generate_placeholders: False
    use_cpp: True
    cpp_path: ../utils/cpp.exe
    excludes: [examples, test]
    platforms: [default, Win32, Win64, Solaris-sparc, Linux-x86]
    include_dirs: [../more_includes]
    includes: [foo.h, bar.h]
    defines: [CONFIG_DEFINED=3, REMOVE=1]
    undefines: [REMOVE]
    arguments: [-D ARR=2]
      - name: a.h
        includes: [b.h, c.h]
        define: [MY_DEFINE]


If you give CSjark multiple configuration files with the same values defined, it takes:

  • for attributes with single value: a value from last processed config file is valid
  • for attributes with list values: lists are merged

Platform specific configuration

To ensure that CSjark is usable as much as possible, platform specific

Entire platform setup is done via Python code, specifically This file contains following sections:

  1. Platform class definition including it’s methods
  2. Default mapping of C type and their Wireshark field type
  3. Default C type size in bytes
  4. Default alignment size in bytes
  5. Custom C type sizes for every platform which differ from default
  6. Custom alignment sizes for every platform which differ from default
  7. Platform-specific C preprocessor macros
  8. Platform registration method and calling for each platform

When defining new platform, following steps should be done. Referenced sections apply to sections listed above. All the new dictionary variables should have proper syntax of Python dictionary:

Field sizes

Define custom C type sizes in section 5. Create new dictionary with name in capital letters. Only those different from default (section 3) must be defined.

    'unsigned long': 8,
    'unsigned long int': 8,
    'long double': 16
Memory alignment

Define custom memory alignment sizes in section 6. Create new dictionary with name in capital letters. Only those different from default (section 4) must be defined.

    'unsigned long': 8,
    'unsigned long int': 8,
    'long double': 16

Define dictionary of platform specific macros in section 7. These macros then can be used within C header files to define platform specific struct members etc. E.g.:

#if _WIN32
    float num;
#elif __sparc
    long double num;
    double num;

Example of such macros:

    '__new_platform__': 1, '__new_platform': 1
Register platform

In last section (8), the new platform must be registered. Basically, it means calling the constructor of Platform class. That has following parameters:

Platform(name, flag, endian, macros=None, sizes=None, alignment=None)


name name of the platform
flag unique integer value representing this platform
endian either Platform.big or Platform.little
macros C preprocessor platform-specific macros like _WIN32
sizes dictionary which maps C types to their size in bytes

Registering of the platform then might look as follows:

# New platform
Platform('New-platform', 8, Platform.little,